Are regular GPS concertgoers who for an annual subscription are entitled to free admission to each of the Subscription Concerts each year of their membership, and advance notification of each concert with news about the orchestra.
Members (Renewals only)
Are regular GPS concertgoers who for an annual subscription are entitled to free admission to each of the Subscription Concerts each year of their membership.
Corporate Members
Are organisations who support the Society by giving a donation, in return for which they receive a number of tickets for their staff, allowing admission to all Subscription Concerts each year of their membership, and advertising in the programme.
Playing Members
Are the regular playing members of the orchestra who pay an annual subscription and this contributes towards the costs of hiring the rehearsal room and of hiring music when necessary.
If you are interested in becoming a Patron of the Society, or doing as a playing member then please contact
Membership Subscriptions for 2017 are:
Patrons: (minimum) £22.00 (single) £28 (double)
Members (renewals only): £18.00 (single) £24 (double)
Playing Members: £52